hi all,for all polar of the game do the following:
1.Start the Game
2.Select Editor
3.Either Select a Race to edit or create a new race
4.Select the model in "Params"
5.If you created the race, save it before you play it.
6.Select "Play"
7.Press the "9" key above the "I & O" keys on the keyboard to view the "Polar Diagrams" (Not the "9" key on the Number Keypad, as this will not show the Polar Diagrams.)
good reception at all
Custom Boats - No wind Arrow
Boats with only one sail do not have a wind arrow, well actually they do but because the model does not have a headsail it would never change from "Blue" you can see this yourself that any
model you sail has the "Blue" arrow until you raise the headsail. The Moths wind arrow is so small you cannot see it. This makes it difficult to know what angle to sail both upwind and downwind.
As you can see in the above Polar that there is a point that performance speed drops off. You will need to estimate the point of sailing angle that this occurs on the Polar. Test it in a race
watching the VMG to ascertain what works the best. Note: it is also better to test on Flat Water as waves affect BoatSpeed.
Lastly if you select 9 again the Polar Diagram will disappear, select 8 and the Windshadow of the selected boat will appear, this again changes with the point of sail angle. Use this to
guage best options of either covering a leeward boat or whether it is best to tack clear / sail over the other boats.
In this example the Dark Red arrows show undisturbed wind flow, whilst the Lighter Yellow arrows show disturbed wind flow. These affected areas can be varied by the model xml file creator,
such as wind strength varients, wind direction varients as they might not be consistant within the wind shadow.
Look for changes in direction of the affected arrows as well as wind strengths.
Note: the colours do vary to match the wind strength and range of variation of wind strengths, you will notice this when gusts move across the water.
Sometimes the wind shadow disappears due to waves changing levels of the surface, it will return.
Boat Speed
In "BoatSpeed" the Diagram represents the points of sailing with top centre - 0 degrees being "Head to Wind" 90 & 270 degrees "Reaching" and 180 degrees "Dead Square" the other guide
lines are for 30, 60, 120 & 150 degrees.
The Radial guide lines are for the Boat speed in Kts. As you can see the different colour pattern lines show the Boat speed in Kts at particular point of sailing. With this view you can see
at which point performance drops off or spikes.
Remember that you will need to also view the other sail you are using at that time.
Eg: To windward you would be using one of the headsails, downwind the spi.Generally the headsail will give you the information you might need.
BS Coef
The "BSCoef" Polar Diagram is more complicated but for this exercise I'll explain what you need to look for. The outer ring of the guide lines represents "1" as a Co-Efficient of BoatSpeed
( BSCoef ).
The 0.8 ring is 80% of BoatSpeed, the 0.6 ring is 60%, the 0.4 ring is 40% etc.
On Nadeo boats at no point is the figure greater than "1" - that is the reason why Auto is always better than Manual.
The way we overcome this with Custom Models is by giving a BSCoef greater than "1" sometimes up to "1.1" as this gives a 10% advantage however this may be in light winds only, "1.05" is
more often used (5% advantage).
•What do you Look for?
•Which way do you sheet? (in or out)
•How Much?
BS Coef Imoca
Note on the Polar Diagram above that there is a spike greater than "1" also note that it is to the right side of the centre - this means there is an advantage if you sheet in a little. Also
note that the spike is consistent across the TWS ranges and sail points. This means the advantage is on all points of sailing. How much - well VMG in your instruments is useful as well some xml
guru's give visual clues such as the boat heals quickly when you have under / over sheeted too much.
BS Coef Maxi Cat
On some models you might find that it changes whether you sheet in or sheet out depending on TWS, scroll though the TWS views to note when this change occurs.
Optimal Sail Angle - Sails "Blowing Out"
Some Custom Boats and the Nadeo Multi Open 60's Code O (Sail 3), have a feature that above a certain Wind Strength there headsail "Blows Out".
In the game you see this effect when the sail concerned automatically eases and flaps - it cannot be trimmed to set above a certain threshold wind strength. This section explains how you
can read Polar Diagrams to see not only that this will happen, but also the wind strength at which it will happen.
On the Polars screen use the centre arrows at the bottom of the screen to scroll to the "OptimalSailAngle" polar diagram, and use the left hand arrows to select which sail you wish to
view.The example above shows the following things:
•The selected sail is the CodeO.
•The radial lines coming outwards from the centre of the diagram at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 degrees etc. represent the angle of sail.
•The numbers on the 0 - 180 radial line are in 20 degree increments are the "OptimalSailAngle" in degrees. (this is shown at the centre top of diagram).
•The coloured polar rings represent different wind strengths - observe the key in the top left corner of the diagram.
If you look closely the 32 knot curve does not exceed 60 degrees of the "OptimalSailAngle" except when pointing higher than 30 degrees (i.e. when tacking, the sail will not set and will
flap). However the 32.1 knot curve is always above 100 degrees (more when running deep downwind). This means the sail will not set - it will flap - above 32.1 knots, and performance will be lost.
Change down to a smaller headsail to restore speed
Questa guida per la creazione di skin in virtual skipper 32nd america's cup nasce allo scopo di far capire il funzionamento dell'editing dei file dds e il corretto posizionamento all'interno delle directory del gioco.
Useremo due soli programmi free:
1) Mspaint di Win
2) Dxtbmp Freeware
Scaricare ed installare il programma Dxtbmp ( Sezione Download )
Scaricare dal sito un file di skin es- “viva.zip”, rinominiamolo in “mioskin.zip” ed estraiamo i file dds contenuti nell’archivio
troveremo 6 files di tipo dds:
Hull.dds - Icon.dds - Sail1.dds - Sail2.dds - Spi2.dds - Teammate.dds
Apriamo con Dxtbmp un file dds es. Sail2.dds
Il programma ci fa vedere due immagini, quella centrale è l’immagine che vedremo nella skin mentre quella piccola in alto a destra è la trasparenza ( per le vele ) o la lucentezza ( per lo scafo ).
Cliccando due volte sull’immagine centrale si aprirà il programma windows mspaint.
Disegnare sull’immagine e poi salvarla.
Su Dxtbmp andiamo sul menu “image” e clicchiamo su Reload after edit
Vedremo le nostre modifiche caricate su Dxtbmp, salvare il file dds à File à save
Trascinare il file dds modificato all’interno dell’archivio zip mioskin.zip (attenzione !!! non rinominare il file dds)
Copiare l’archivio zip mioskin.zip all’interno dell’apposita cartella del gioco.
Naturalmente per editare le immagini possiamo usare anche programmi specifici di grafica come Gimp, basta andare sul menu prefs à select editor e selezionare il programma più gradito.
This guide for creating skins in Virtual
Skipper 32nd America's Cup was
created in orderto understand the function of editing the dds file and the correct position within
the game directory.
We will use only two free programs:
1) Win MSPaint
2) Dxtbmp Freeware
Download and install the program Dxtbmp (Download Section)
Download a file from the site of skin-eg "viva.zip", rename it "mioskin.zip" and extract the files contained in the dds
6 find dds files of type:
Hull.dds - Icon.dds - Sail1.dds - Sail2.dds - Spi2.dds - Teammate.dds
We open with a Dxtbmp dds files eg. Sail2.dds
The program allows us to see two images, the central one is the image that we see in
theskin and the smaller one in the upper right is the transparency (for sails) or lightness (for
the hull).
Double-clicking on the central image will open the program windows mspaint.
Drawing on the image and then save
On Dxtbmp go to menu
"image" and click on Reload after edit
We will see changes uploaded on our Dxtbmp, save the file
to a dds file a save
Drag the file inside the
zip mioskin.zip dds changed (be careful! Not rename the file dds)
Copy the zip archive mioskin.zip inside the
special folder of the game.
Of course, to edit the images we
can also use specific graphics programs such as Gimp,just go
to a select menu prefs editor and select the most
Le skins scaricate per ACC vanno copiate in C:/Users/tuo nome/Documents/Vsk5/Skins/Boats/Acc/
Se sono skins di altre barche bisogna incollare nella cartella corrispondente alla barca
Esempio installazione skins per la barca Viva: